Prof. Warwick
Prof. Warick Powell
Chairman and Founder of Beefledger Limited
Adjunct. Professor Queensland University of Technology
Warwick began his career in academia, teaching Chinese history and European cultural history at Griļ¬ƒth University. He graduated with First Class Honours and is the recipient of the prestigious University Medal for Academic Excellence. Warwick was also awarded a Department of Foreign Aļ¬€airs and Trade scholarship to undertake postgraduate studies at Peopleā€™s University, Beijing. He deferred his studies to begin work for Kevin Rudd in the Queensland Government.

In Government, Warwick was Mr Ruddā€™s personal private secretary and researcher before taking on the role of Advisor to the Minister for Mines and Energy. He moved from Government to private industry in 1996 and founded an economics and statistics research company. Having grown the business to 70 full-time equivalent employees in 3 years, he sold the business and began a career in pan-Asia investment banking, backed by a foundation in economics and statistics.

He is the chairman and founder of Sister City Partners Limited, a not-for-proļ¬t investment bank focusing on developing links between regional Australia and the markets of Asia. Through this work, Warwick has experience in diverse industries including cattle and sheep production and processing, information and communication technology, infrastructure, energy, natural resources, urban development, travel and tourism and property development.

He is a director of a number of funds management companies responsible for funds established under an ASIC-approved Australian Financial Services License. He is a member of the Central Highlands Accelerate Agribusiness Advisory Board and was the founding Treasurer of Innovation NQ Inc., a not-for-proļ¬t innovation incubator in North Queensland.

He continues to teach professional courses in areas such as innovation, creativity, regional economic development and blockchain technology with Queensland University of Technology, James Cook University and Edith Cowan University.